Friday, February 25, 2011

What you've all been awaiting!

Asher is now 5 weeks old!  Time has flown by.  What a blessing he is in our lives.  It seems like I can't even remember life without him.  Every day is filled with so much joy and happiness.  Here are some excerpts from the happiest month of our lives.

Taking a First Bath:

Making Cute Faces:


Losing the Bink:

Posing for Mom:



Playing After Bath Time:

Falling Asleep:

Practicing Holding-Up-Head Skills:


Growing Bigger Day by Day:

Fending Off Hugo as Mom Yells at Him to Get Out of My Face:

Please visit our album to see more fun Asher photos!  We've had an exciting first month.  We adore our new son and couldn't be happier!